Tuesday, July 28, 2009


The weather has been cooler than normal and lots of rain (can't complain) so the lettuce greens are doing very well, and everything else that likes water :)

The peas are pretty much done, and now it's onto the other veggies...

Yes, the purple haze imperator carrots are almost ready for harvest - these are about 3/4-1 inch diameter and about 6-7 inches long. The majority should be ready in about a week. and they really are purple with orange inside - don't boil them or the purple will just fade.

I think these are grape tomatoes, ripening way earlier than the big heritage.

This cuke (beit alpha burpless) is like 6 inches, gianormous compared to the others (which were about 1 inch in size)... hey, the bees have been busy visiting the yellow flowers!

The corn is flowering...

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Tom Thumbs

Roiboos will be glad to hear that the Tom Thumbs are growing right next to Elzy's frisse bed!

The rest of the lettuce are coming along nicely - we're now waiting for the next crop of radishes (which should be about another week or so). The beets should be ready to harvest this weekend...

And it's going to rain tonight, tomorrow, and the weekend, yeah!

Sunday, July 12, 2009

fruits of our labour

We have all been enjoying fresh salads made with lettuce from our patch - yummy, yummy... the radishes were excellent - and there's a fresh crop coming along nicely - they were planted among the tomatoes. Of course, the snap peas are sweet, supplemented by batches of peas courtesy of Mr. R. farmer...

Here's the fingerling potatoes in bloom.

Friday, July 3, 2009

wet wet

We are feeling soggy - after all the days of rain this week - and so are the beds - soggy, soggy. Ok, it's great that temperatures are cooler than normal (low 20's vs. mid-high 20's) and that the veggies are benefiting from all the rain/water, but so are the weeds - they are rampant.

Went this morning and weeded for about 1.5 hours - cleared some of the beds and made a slight dent in the weedy growth. The lettuces are just succulent - harvested some red radicchio, endive, chicorria... the spinach are all going to seed - let's hope the new seed bed comes through.

Lots of yummy crunchy radishes - red ones that is; the watermelon ones (white with red flesh) are not ready, nor are the beets.

Tomatoes need to be staked; they are gia-normous. most of the sunflowers have sprouted; and everything else is just growing, growing...