Saturday, June 6, 2009

Saturday visit

Okay, so we finally visited the patch. Late afternoon, after shopping at Costco. Admired all the plants growing in their beds. Too bad no sunflower shoots. Probably the seeds got eaten by birds, haahah. Yeah, those birds probably thought, 'Wow, we're being fed sunflower seeds, but there's only a few!'. On the other hand, it's been rather cool, and they may need more heat in order to germinate?

So, very impressed with the rain barrel. That ugly white barrel, hahahaha. It looks like Tony has been refilling it, so Millefiore watered the lettuces. Yep, needed that. The rest of the plants will be okay until tomorrow. We hope it will rain tonight, and then tomorrow, Monday and Tuesday. That will be good! Never thought I'd like to see some rain!

Am looking forward to those lemon cucumbers! Never tried them before so I hope they taste good, Some seeds have sprouted, so it's just being patient. Oh yes, the potatoes are definitely growing now, got leaves and all, so that's good. We'll have nice fingerling potatoes for late summer.

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